
V: 축하드립니다!
J: 빌보드 가수 一 1위가수 입장!
V: 입장!
Bang PD: 축하합니다 .
J: 오 뭐 벌써부터 녹음이었네?
JH: 아 1위가수一 1위가수로 불러 주시다니.
JK: 와! 정말!
V: 생일도 축하하고.
JK: 아 그래요.
JH: 아 너는一 넌 생일날 빌보드 1위 그거 한다.
RM: 생일 선물 제대로 받았네.
JK: 그러니까요.
J: 선물이 필요없겠네 정국이.
JK: 약간 이거는 뭐 말도 안돼.. 말이 안돼?
RM: 그치 필요없지 각자의 선물 해 줬다 (두번).
JK: 최고의—
JH: 빌보드 1위는 선물이지 뭐.
JK: 최고의 선물을 받았네요 내 인생에서.
JK: 아 뭔일이래요 이게?
JH: 오늘 딱 공식적으로 뜨는가  9월1일?
JK: 난 겹경사다 진짜.
V: 목요일날 뜰걸아마? 공식적인 차트에서?
RM: 토요일날인가 그렇다네요.
V: 아이고~
S: 죄송합니다 방탄소년단 빌보드 1위 가수 너 늦게一 
JH: 내가 말— 내가 말했잖아?
S: 아 죄송합니다 화장실 갔다왔어 가지고.
RM: 소감 한마디 하세요.
S: [삐—]
J: 기가막힌 소감였습니다 예.
S: 아 빌보드 1위가수한테 이렇게 해도 돼? 자리도 없고— 아이고 아이고.
RM: 형 앞선 1위 가수 한 여섯 명이 앉아있어요.
S: 건강이 좋아졌다.
RM: 다들 어땠어요 어제? 어제 저 침착하게 일찍 자가지고.
S: 건강에 좋더라구.
JH: 나도 늦게 자는 편이어가지고—
J: 나도 남주니 보내준거 보고 바로 한 병 깐 다음에 드링킹하고 잤다.
RM: 아니 톡방에 내가—
S: 나 하나도 못 잤어.
RM: 아니 뜨자마자 보냈는데 반응이 없어 다들!
S: 아이고 울고 있어서—
RM: “자고있어?!” 이러면서.
S: 그때 울고 있어서 미안.
JK: 나는 오늘 뜨는지 솔직히 몰랐어요.
V: 나도. 근데 난 화요일날이 나는 오늘인줄 몰랐어 날짜개념이 없으니까.
RM: 시차가, 시차 때문에.
JM: 나는 오늘 저녁에 뜨는 줄 알았어요.
V: 그래 나도.
J: 나도 오늘 오후 1시반에 뜰 줄 알았어.
JM: 근데 “그랬으면 좋겠다” 하고 있었는데 이제.
RM: 갑자기 은퇴하고 싶어졌지?
V: 지금 발표해 은 퇴 식.
RM: 스킷으로? 레전드다.
S: 죽을 때까지 음악 할라고.
RM: 종신산업.
JH: 뭐, 한잔 할거예요? 뭐 어떡해요—
RM: 끝나고 뭐—
V: 한잔 해야지.
S: 끝나고 짧고 빠르게 마셔보자.
RM: 짧게 한잔 하자, 좋을 것 같고.
V: 하지만 빌보드 1위 가수는 오.안. 취를 막지 못했다
JH: 오안취?
S: 어 안무해야지.
JH: 짧게하고 끝내자.
RM: 그렇지.
JM: 예, 그럼 뭐—
JK: 오늘 할거 뭐예요? 
JH: 했던 것들.
JK: 아.
J: DNA하고—
JH: No More Dream. (x2)
JM: 아, No More Dream, 그만하지 여러분 걱정마십시오! 
RM: 아니야 우리 초심 찾기. 프로젝트 한거지, 1위한 순간에서 No More Dream 연습한다.
S: 초심 같은 소리하고 있네!
RM: 아니, 얼마나 멋있어요 형. 빌보드 1위 가수가 딱 그날 데뷔 곡을 연습한다. 와, 진짜 나—
V: 형 그거一  형 그거 가사로 써요.
RM: 어떻게 써?
RM: “난 오늘도 No More Dream을 연습했지!”
JM: 그것도 웃기긴하다 1위한 날에 연습하는 거. 재밌는데?
RM: 진짜...
JK: 연습해야돼용!
RM: 오 나 아침에 일어나가지고 계속 뉴스를 보면서 야 진짜..
S: 못 잤어.
JM: 진짜 진짜 대단하다. 여러분 진짜 대단하십니다! 여러분.
RM: 진짜 대단합니다!
J: 대단합니다 여러분들!
S: 에이 뭐가 대단해요 빌보드 1위 가수 된거.
JM: 여러분 대단해요.
S: 이렇게 말씀하신면 섭섭하죠.
JM: 아 진짜 공연 너무 하고 싶다 이거보니까.
RM: 홉아 이런게 행복 아닐까? 
J: 오랜만이다 저러는거.
RM: 지금은 다르게 다가오지 않냐?



V: Congratulations! 
J: Announcing the entrance of the Billboard No.1 artists! 
V: Enter! 
Bang PD: Congratulations. 
J: Oh, were you already recording?
JH: I can’t believe you’re calling us Billboard No.1 artists.
JK: Wow! Really! 
V: Happy birthday as well. 
JK: Oh, yes. 
JH: Hey, you got a No.1 on Billboard on your birthday. 
RM: It’s a proper birthday gift. 
JK: Exactly. 
J: Looks like Jungkook won’t need any more gifts. 
JK: This is kind of unbelievable... Does this make any sense? 
RM: Exactly, he doesn’t need them anymore, we’ve all given him gifts now. 
JK: The best—
JH: The Billboard No.1 is the present. 
JK: I’ve received the best birthday present of my entire life. 
JK: Ah, what is happening?
JH: Does it get officially posted today, the 1st of September?
JK: I’m really experiencing so many happy events one after another. 
V: It’ll probably pop up on Thursday? On the charts officially. 
RM: They say it’s on Saturday. 
V: Oh~ 
S: Ah, I’m sorry. This Billboard No.1 artist is here too late—
JH: I told you— I told you (he’d do this), didn’t I?
S: I went to the bathroom. 
RM: Please say a few words.
J: What an amazing few words those were.
S: Is this how you treat a Billboard No.1 artist? There isn’t anywhere for me to sit— oh no, oh no.
RM: Hyung, there are six other No.1 artists who arrived and took their seats before you. 
S: It was good for my health. 
RM: How was it for everyone? I very calmly went to bed early yesterday. 
S: It seems like my health got better.
JH: I’m the kind to sleep late so— 
J: Me too, I saw what Namjoon sent, then I popped a bottle open, drank it, and then went to sleep. 
RM: I mean, in the group chat I—
S: I couldn’t sleep at all.
RM: I sent it the minute it was released but nobody responded! 
S: It’s because I was crying—
RM: I was like, “Are you sleeping?!”
S: I was crying at the time, I’m sorry. 
JK: To be honest, I didn’t know it would be released today. 
V: Me too. Actually, I thought Tuesday was today, so I didn’t know, ‘cause I’ve lost track of what day it is. 
RM: The time difference, because of the time difference. 
JM: I thought it was going to be released around dinnertime. 
V: That’s right, me too.
J: I thought it was going to be released at 1:30 in the afternoon today. 
JM: Actually, I was just thinking “Oh, it would be nice if it happened”. 
RM: Don’t you suddenly feel like retiring? 
V: Announce it right now! “Retirement Ceremony”.
RM: Through a skit? That would be legendary. 
S: I’m going to make music till I die.
RM: Lifetime job. 
JH: So, are we going to go have a drink? What are we doing—
RM: After we’re done, let’s—
V: We’ve got to go have a drink. 
S: After we’re done let’s go have a small, quick drink. 
RM: Let’s just get a quick drink, I think it’ll be good. 
V: But even Billboard No.1 artists can’t get dance practice cancelled. 
JH: Cancel dance practice? 
S: Of course, we’ve got to practice our choreography. 
JH: Let’s just do a quick one and then call it a day.
RM: That’s right. 
JM: Yes, well—
JK: What are we doing today? 
JH: Stuff we’ve done before. 
JK: Ah.
J: DNA and—
JH: No More Dream. (x2) 
JM: Ah, No More Dream. Okay, let’s stop, everyone, there’s no need to worry! 
RM: Oh, this is our project to find our roots. When we got No.1, we were practicing No More Dream.
S: Look at him talking about our roots! 
RM: No, hyung, think about how cool it sounds. These Billboard No.1 artists, on the very same day they were practicing their debut song. Wow, I really—
V: Hyung, you should write that into lyrics. 
RM: How do I do that? 
RM: “Today I practiced ‘No More Dream’!” 
JM: It is kind of funny, practicing on the day we got No.1. It’s actually kinda interesting?
RM: Man...
JK: We have to practice! 
RM: Ah, when I woke up in the morning I kept looking at the news. Oh man... 
S: I couldn’t sleep. 
JM: It’s really, really amazing. Everyone, you’re really amazing, everyone. 
RM: Really amazing! 
J: You’re amazing, everyone! 
S: Eh, what’s so amazing about being a Billboard No.1 artist...
JM: Everyone, you’re amazing. 
S: When you put it that way it’s a little upsetting. 
JM: Ah, seeing this really makes me want to have a concert. 
RM: Hob-ah, is this not what happiness is? 
J: Wow, it’s been a while since we’ve said something like that.   
RM: Doesn’t it feel different now? 


Trans cr; Faith | Spot Check cr; Yein, Aditi, Mary & Denise | Transcription cr; Denise, Faith & Yein @ bts-trans